
Mother is a complicated word. It’s a noun and a verb. It’s a proper noun when it replaces a name and therefore it’s capitalized. It’s a verb when someone is taking on the role of nurturing another. And we all know that if you add an “s” at the beginning of mother…it takes on aContinue reading “mother”

Will the Real Influencers Please Stand Up?

The fact that people are making a living off of videotaping a recommendation for a product and posting it on social media is the ultimate in lazy commercialism with a heavy focus on materialism. But you may ask…how do I really feel about the influencers phenonenom? This whole influencer thing has me a bit miffed. AndContinue reading “Will the Real Influencers Please Stand Up?”

home….again…and again…and again…

As a child, there were places that my family vacationed where we returned again and again. And by vacation…I mean camped in a tent. In the rain. In the snow. In the heat. I loved it. Tuolumne Meadows was a favorite spot for years. In the last several years I’ve been there for a fewContinue reading “home….again…and again…and again…”