Birthday Gratitude

I just celebrated a BIG one. And once you hit a certain age, they ALL seem BIG!

As I usually do, today I started my morning with coffee, a Dug snuggle, a couple biscotti and because it’s Saturday in the fall, ESPN Game Day. I also had my laptop out and read and shared the daily FB post from Heather Cox Richardson.

As I already had FB up, I scrolled a bit to see what else was there. A friend from my hometown, Vicki had a post about her search for a better “quality of life”. She wrote that she had reached out to a friend and at the end of their conversation she realized that she had much to be grateful for in her life; she wasn’t suffering any deep, great traumas like others and she posted her story on FB. A friend of hers commented on her post – “I have a friend who always seems happy. Whenever I ask how she’s doing she almost always tells me what she is grateful for…”

And that got me to thinking about those somewhat awkward moments when people, strangers and acquaintances, ask me how I’m doing (e.g. the cashier at Trader Joe”s, the administrator who checks me in at the doctor’s office, the person I regularly pass when I’m out for a walk, etc.). I never quite feel satisfied by my response. It usually goes something like this – Them: “How are you today?” Me: “Great. How about you?” Them: “Fine, thank you. Have a great day!” Me: “Thanks. You, too!” And off we go to the next…

Vicki’s friend’s response on FB got me to thinking…what if the conversations went something like this…

Them: How are you today?

Me: I’m great. We had Thai food for family dinner last night. How are you?

Or…I’m great – Dug, the Dog didn’t wake me up last night. And you – Did you get a good sleep?

Or…I’m well – the fall colors give me such joy. Do you have a favorite fall tree?

Or…I’m satisfied – I updated my pharmacy plan and got a huge savings – with thanks to Beth, our genius Medicare advisor! Do you have any good news?

Or…I’m excited – Glen found a music event in Grass Valley and a great hotel for a quick getaway! Have you had something to look forward to recently?

Or…I’m lucky – I got to spend my birthday eve and day in The City with friends. Do you have a favorite place to celebrate?

Or…I’m excited – I get to go to Boise tomorrow to visit a friend (and winter) and Blair and Glen will take good care of Dug. Where do you like to go in winter?

It seems like it could be a simple way to be more authentically engaged with people, to increase the endorphins released by expressing gratitude, and to remind myself of ALL the small things that make up this BIG adventure called life!

Thank you Vicki and Stephanie! I appreciate how your exchange sparked my thinking and the opportunity to focus on gratitude on this issue beautiful fall morning!

Published by gat2jdt2

60 something retirees (or semi-retirees) learning to live differently

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